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Yooo, I loved the art style! Well done!

Thank you!! πŸ˜ŠπŸ’ž


Really Fun! (Would you like to try our team's game?

Thanks! 😊


Really fun, cute art! Thought I should point out a bug since we still have an hour of jam left: I couldn't shoot an enemy that was sat under the stopwatch. (feel free to delete this comment after fixing it)

Thanks! 😊 Unfortunately, I only saw your comment now πŸ₯². We will fix this in the next update, after the rating stage.


I gave it another play after switching to my computer (from laptop) and everything was much smoother. I noticed it more because of mouse pad awkwardness. Definitely not a big issue and really enjoyed the game! I'm not sure if wasd was working on my laptop, otherwise wouldn't have pointed it out lol πŸ₯΄ woops!

Hello, Kai! If you had trouble with moving before, I don’t think it was your laptop. I had this issue too while developing the game (in the engine), but restarting the game worked fine so I thought it was a Unity issue. πŸ˜†


Really fun! Had a proper chuckle at the different enemies.

Thank you!! I’m glad you liked it πŸ₯°